Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from Kingsbridge Devon TQ7

This lost Domestic Short Hair Cat was last seen around Kingsbridge Devon TQ7

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Went out during the night and didnt come back, may respond to his name Reggie. Reji has faded stripes down the side of his coat and very distinct stripes on his back legs and tail, he has cream coloured fur on his belly and chin. Reji is an intact/unneutered male and is very friendly and house trained but is usually very cautious around unknown humans. Reji may have developed jowels by now and look like a proper tomcat contrary to the photo. Reji is a curious cat and may have travelled in the back of someones car/van/trailer.

Intact/unneutered male, Stripes on tail and back legs, faded stripes down the side of coat. 1 black whisker on eachside amongst all others white whiskers. Reji may have developed jowels by now and look like a tomcat contrary to the photo.

Missing Domestic Short Hair Cats in Kingsbridge
ContactContact Member
Missing since02 Dec 2022
BreedDomestic Short Hair
Dominant colourGinger
Approx age3
Pet Listing ID105111

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