Found Cat Unknown - Other from Derby Derbyshire DE23

This found Unknown - Other Cat was found around Derby Derbyshire DE23

Past 2 months this cat has been visiting my house so I have been feeding it with cat food and giving it milk, over time it has gotten more comfortable and started coming into the house and spending time sitting or sleeping in the house. Past week the cat has been sneezing and has watery eyes. On New Years eve my kitchen door was open and it ran in due to being scared of the fireworks noise and hid in the cellar for over an hour. It spends most the day in my house and i let it in when possible, if not it spends hours waiting by the kitchen door for someone to open. The other night i didnt know it was outside and woke up to 6am to see the cat peeking through the kitchen door, it was raining all night heavily meaning it spent the whole night outside as it was totally drenched. Its been sneezing and has runny eyes for over a week. I thought the cat had an owner but 2 days ago i put a note around its neck using a cloth for an owner to read and contact me but its been 2 days and it hasnt been taken off meaning the cat hasnt either gone home or is a stray. The cat has been sick over a week, I have no way of transporting the cat to a vet to see if it is microchipped as i have no way to carry it and it doesnt like being held. The cat has no collar either.

Black cat, no collar

Found Unknown - Other Cats in Derby
ContactContact Member
Found03 Jan 2023
BreedUnknown - Other
Dominant colourBlack
Approx age3
Pet Listing ID103214

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