Found Cat Bengal from Coventry West Midlands CV5

This found Bengal Cat was found around Coventry West Midlands CV5

Beautiful Friendly Bengal Cat
Usually dont see this breed outside due to how much they cost. Was wondering around the back of work looking very lost. A college of mine has taken it up to the RSPCA branch to see if itst chipped to contact the owner. But if not would like to post to try and reach out. i know how much i missed my fur baby when she went missing - would love to reunite 💙
01/10 - RSPCA - instructucted us to take back to where it was found with a paper collar as isnt micro chipped
02/10 - *update* after the storm we had the cat visited me again at work. I felt so wrong last night leaving her out for anyone to grab her up & the weather getting worse; so ive decided to take care after her as long as my cat gets on with her until we can locate her parents
03/10 *update* the cats seem to be getting on fairly well no hissing between the two and have been close to each other too which is good news - ive printed flyers & put them around cov today doing more later tonight*
04/10 *update* posted more posters out today still searching every avenue for a relatable post. Cat is very settled and calm surly someone must know who this cat belongs to?
05/10 *update* we spent some social time together on lunch break trying to work out which toy is best then chilled out to some calming relaxation music to wind down the day this evening. Still no contact from owners.
06/10 *update* started the morning with a nice supervised stroll in the garden to add in some extra stimulants to the day. Put post up on Animal Search UK thanks to some additional information 🙂

Four lines running down the middle of head, very vocal loving and affectionate cat

Found Bengal Cats in Coventry
ContactContact Member
Found01 Oct 2023
Dominant colourMulti-Coloured
Approx age1
Pet Listing ID104985

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