Found Dog Shih Tzu from Kempston Hardwick Bedford Bedfordshire MK45
This found Shih Tzu Dog was found around Kempston Hardwick Bedford Bedfordshire MK45
Small dog handed into ARAS dog rescue found running on main road not very happy /angry but is warm & cared 4 kennel staff getting 2 know her reported 2 police we just want her 2 b reunited with owner will stay with us 4 30 days after witch it will b up 4 adoption

Contact | Contact Member |
Found | 23 Jan 2016 |
Breed | Shih Tzu |
Dominant colour | Brown |
Gender | Female |
Approx age | Unknown |
Neutered | Unknown |
Microchipped | No |
Location | MK45 |
Pet Listing ID | 71277 |
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