Found Dog Chihuahua from Blackpool Lancashire FY5

This found Chihuahua Dog was found around Blackpool Lancashire FY5

This dog has been advertised around Fylde Coast selling sites on Facebook. I was interested but became suspicious because its being advertised as being sold on behalf of Mother in Law in some adverts then on behalf of girlfriends sister in others. The FB avvount advertising him is newly set up has no photos posts or friends and looks like it has purely been done to advertise this dog. I only got the photo sent as a private message because I asked for details. I asked about his age health chipped and snipped details. Was told hes not neutered and not microchipped supposedly 14 months old. I asked could he not go back to the breeder rather than sell him online and was told the breeder (from Manchester) had no he couldnt. I was asked for £350 for him.

White mark on bridge of nose and white front right paw

Found Chihuahua Dogs in Blackpool
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Found20 Nov 2018
Dominant colourBeige
Approx age1 yr
Pet Listing ID89458

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