Found Bird Parrot, Parakeet from York North Yorkshire YO24

This found Parrot, Parakeet Bird was found around York North Yorkshire YO24

We had been away for 2wks at the beginning of September. Upon return our pet sitter said he’d heard strange screeching but not sure what it was. We then saw the parakeet in our trees.
It comes every day and eats sunflower hearts, red suet blocks and picks something off the trees.
It seems in good health, but I’m worried about the winter months and not sure if it would survive. But really don’t know how it could be caught.

Green with a red eyes / beak . Darker green to the wings and blue hue to the tail. I’m sorry but I’ve not managed to get close enough to it to see if it’s ringed .

Found Parrot, Parakeet Birds in York
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Found01 Sep 2019
BreedParrot, Parakeet
Dominant colourGreen
Approx ageNo idea
Pet Listing ID92906

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# Possible Lost Pet Matches Date Listed
95175Lost Bird Parrot, Parakeet from York North Yorkshire YO2415 Jun 2020

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