Lost Dog Pointer from Louth Lincolnshire LN11

This lost Pointer Dog was last seen around Louth Lincolnshire LN11

Last known location for Willow was Goulceby Lincolnshire LN11 9TZ. Willow lived at this address from a puppy until she was removed sometime around 14 - 15/12/20. Concern for Willows welfare as to impact this will have had on her.
Willow is a casualty of a destructive marriage break up. Which has resulted in the ex-husband removing Willow from the marital home without the wife's knowledge or consent. Last know physical record according to IdentiChip, third party enquiry 15/12/20 possibly vet check but details vague and no record of location.
Sources indicate that she may have been taken to Scotland but this is un-confirmed. Ex-husband refuses to disclose what he has done with her other than to state he gave her to a 'friend' to rehome. Concern for Willows welfare and location is growing because of the lapse in time and the lack of success in tracing her so far due to lack of resources.

Willow is a Slovakian Rough Haired Pointer, (scruffy looking Weimaraner) very friendly although can be prone to whining and detachment. She'll be 10 yrs old Sept 22. Believed may be in the North or Scotland area, missing since Dec 20. Signs of Vitiligo on body.

Missing Pointer Dogs in Louth
ContactContact Member
Missing since14 Dec 2020
Dominant colourGrey
Approx age9 yrs 4 m
Pet Listing ID100839

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