Lost Cat Tabby from RICHMOND Surrey TW10
This lost Tabby Cat was last seen around RICHMOND Surrey TW10
Timothy is a black and grey tabby cat. He is 11 years old and a beloved family pet who lives in the house he was born in. He is extremely to everyone; he waits for school children at school times just for the attention! Timothy has lost weight as he's gotten older so is thin and light, we also live opposite a dense copse with foxes and badgers so he's often covered in cuts and scratches which is why I worry someone might think he's a stray. He has a long tail and shortish fur as it's beginning to fall out. He doesn't wear a collar and can be VERY fast. He also has lovely green eyes.
Timothy is a black and grey tabby cat with beautiful green eyes. He has a lovely temperament and enjoys affection from anyone and everyone.

Contact | Contact Member |
Missing since | 01 Sep 2022 |
Breed | Tabby |
Dominant colour | Tabby |
Gender | Male |
Approx age | 11 |
Microchipped | No |
Location | TW10 |
Pet Listing ID | 102635 |
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