Lost Cat Semi-Long Hair from Whickham Gateshead Tyne and Wear NE16
This lost Semi-Long Hair Cat was last seen around Whickham Gateshead Tyne and Wear NE16
He went out as usual after his nighttime feed on Wednesday night, and I’ve just seen from him since, I’ve checked everywhere and got him all over social media, he always hung around my back garden in whickham just off leasyde walk, he may sometimes take himself down the derwent which is a huge wooded area
His bottom half of body is white, with a white nose, he has torstoise shell markings across top, he has a very fluffy tail, he’s a rag doll cross, can be nervous of new people.

Contact | Contact Member |
Missing since | 22 Feb 2023 |
Breed | Semi-Long Hair |
Dominant colour | Multi-Coloured |
Gender | Male |
Approx age | 18 months |
Microchipped | Yes |
Location | NE16 |
Pet Listing ID | 103477 |
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