Lost Cat Norwegian Forest from Huntingdon Houghton Cambridgeshire PE28

This lost Norwegian Forest Cat was last seen around Huntingdon Houghton Cambridgeshire PE28

Reward Available for Safe Return

She responds to get name Grace and is very affectionate when you use her name and rolls on the floor and talks to you. She is not wearing a collar. She went missing in Houghton near st Ives Cambridgeshire. She went out as normal at teatime but always comes back when she is called but she didnt come home. She often walks along the path that runs along our garden where there are many dog walkers and tourists. She is adventurous but always comes home throughout the day bringing presents of mice etc. We live in quite a rural area.

She has tortoise shell markings, cream and apricot and a bushy tale

Missing Cats in Houghton
ContactContact Member
Missing since24 Jan 2016
BreedNorwegian Forest
Dominant colourBlue
Approx age2
Pet Listing ID71313

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