Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from Cantley Park Wokingham Berkshire RG40

This lost Domestic Short Hair Cat was last seen around Cantley Park Wokingham Berkshire RG40

Angel disappeared whilst on his night time walk. He is a bit of a nervous cat and only usually goes outside for about 30 minutes a day. We have looked in all undergrowth and on the sides of roads but have not found him. As it was so cold we are worried he might have hidden in someones shed, garage or garden and become trapped. Angel is a white cat with black and tabby spots. He is fairly unwell and needs daily medical care so it is essential that we find him quickly.

Angel has a bald lower lip and very few teeth He has a fairly bald stomach and armpits. His nose is black He likes to groom a lot

Missing Domestic Short Hair Cats in Wokingham
ContactContact Member
Missing since06 Mar 2016
BreedDomestic Short Hair
Dominant colourWhite
Approx age
Pet Listing ID72044

The following found pets are matches to this lost cat, these were listed on the lost cat register after this pet has gone missing.

# Possible Found Pet Matches Date Listed
90209Found Cat Domestic Short Hair from Bracknell Berkshire RG4214 Feb 2019

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