Lost Dog Jack Russell from Pelaw Gateshead Tyne And Wear County Durham NE10
This lost Jack Russell Dog was last seen around Pelaw Gateshead Tyne And Wear County Durham NE10
Jack is a little rescue dog he has a beautiful nature. Its took us over a year to build his confidence up he knows hes loved and spoiled which he certainly deserved. When we got him he was terrified of everyone d everything he had no fur underneath due to lying in his own urine. Hes in beautiful health now but doesnt like getting told off my son told him off running on road and she ran away. Whether this brought back a bad memory we dont know.hes placid loving doesnt bite but will be frightened by now we lost him about 12 today.
Jack is tan and white he as ĺĺhis front legs are queen Ann type

Contact | Contact Member |
Missing since | 06 Sep 2026 |
Breed | Jack Russell |
Dominant colour | Other |
Gender | Male |
Approx age | 4 years |
Neutered | Yes |
Microchipped | No |
Location | NE10 |
Pet Listing ID | 72383 |
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