Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from End Of Queensberry Avenue Copford Essex CO6

This lost Domestic Short Hair Cat was last seen around End Of Queensberry Avenue Copford Essex CO6

Standard size for a British Brown Domestic Short Hair but Midnight looks thin as he has the start of kidney disease. Drinks alot of water and eats very well - he is on a kidney/urinary support diet. Very friendly, chatty, purrs very readily and is very inquisitive. Approachable and not aggressive - may have climbed into a car or van as is very curious. Enjoys being picked up and cuddled. Responds to Midnight or Midi.

Small tears at the top of each ear in similar positions. Tuft of grey/white fur on his chest. Recently had eye ulcers so his eyes may look slightly milky in the light. Thinning fur on the bottom of his back paws - his brake pads. Weighs 3.75 kg.

Missing Domestic Short Hair Cats in Copford
ContactContact Member
Missing since27 Apr 2016
BreedDomestic Short Hair
Dominant colourBlack
Approx age13
Pet Listing ID73294

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