Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from Blackburn Lancashire BB1

This lost Domestic Short Hair Cat was last seen around Blackburn Lancashire BB1

Reward Available for Safe Return

Has light jade-green eyes. Small cat. Will accept strokes from humans she takes a shine to. Usually stays on our street but have a sighting reported of her on corner of the close across from our street on afternoon of 31st January, which meant she crossed a road to get there. Neighbour noticed her being there as was unusual for her be somewhere other than out street (her regular haunt). Was noted that resident of bungalow on corner in the close opposite had put food down for birds on pavement, so it may have been that she saw / heard birds and crossed road. She has never been out overnight since the day she was adopted her in 2008. Her humans back at home are very concerned and miss her lots. Any news of sightings or other info welcome. Thank-you

Bit of an unusual tortie in that base colour ginger, with dark /flecks and markings in face. Can have a bit of a fox-like bushy tail that has a dark / black middle section then ginger towards end with couple of orange bands and a white tip. Coat is also a bit coarse.

Missing Domestic Short Hair Cats in Blackburn
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Missing since31 Jan 2017
BreedDomestic Short Hair
Dominant colourMulti-Coloured
Approx age10
Pet Listing ID79696

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