Lost Cat Unknown - Other from Northwich Cheshire

This lost Unknown - Other Cat was last seen around Northwich Cheshire

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missing since 25th March. reports state she was seen being stolen from northwich Cheshire in a silver car. we have had no other sightings or information. she is only very small and is on a specialist vet diet as she cannot TOLORATE ANY OTHER FOOD as it makes her extremely poorly and she will loose weight and condition very. because we haven't had one sighting of her she could be further a field or being kept as an indoor pet. please keep a look out in Windows for her and be vigilant with neighbours friends who you believe could have her. we really are desperate to get her home it's making us all I'll not knowing where she is and if she's ok. she is neutered and chipped.

green eyes, hairs coming from her ears, slit in her ear due to fighting could of got worst or better. only small, white paws and chest, big fluffy tail. brownish nose

Missing Cats in Northwich
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Missing since25 Mar 2018
BreedUnknown - Other
Dominant colourTabby
Approx age2
Pet Listing ID86862

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