Lost Dog Labrador from Near Embo Highland IV25

This lost Labrador Dog was last seen around Near Embo Highland IV25

Our much loved family pet was living with a male foster carer (a trusted friend of a close family member) as we were made homeless. The foster carer tried to change his microchip details, which we declined as he is ours (we have proof of ownership in writing which means by law he must be returned to us) and the carer only had him whilst we were homeless (well documented in messages & witnessed by many family members). When we found our new home we asked for our boy to be returned but the carer said he was missing...we checked everywhere and the carer hadn't reported him missing so we did and have been searching for him ever since. The carer also declined to give us any information on the area he went missing in (we tried messaging him but he ignored us), we were given 'near Embo IV25 area' by the family member who knew this man!

Our boy has a very close bond with our children and they miss him so much, please help get him home and make their Christmas the best one ever!

We would offer a reward for his return but as mentioned above we've recently been homeless so can't afford one.

Labrador cross, black with long white patch on chest. He has brown brindle marking through his coat when the light hits it.

Missing Labrador Dogs in Near Embo
ContactContact Member
Missing since24 Mar 2018
Dominant colourBlack
Approx age1
Pet Listing ID89536

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