Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from Moss Side Greater Manchester M14

This lost Domestic Short Hair Cat was last seen around Moss Side Greater Manchester M14

Archer is a strong and fit young tom. He is adventurous and brave in exploring his territory and with other cats. He is usually wary of humans he does not know, particularly men. He is unlikely to approach you but the chances of this are increased if you are very gentle and have wet food on your person! He has a white chest and paws. Big wide eyes and looks like he is wearing eyeliner.
Missing Date 01/08/19
Missing Time 23:00
Missing Location Hartington Street, Greater Manchester, England,
Circumstances He was in the house when I went to sleep that night and was gone when I got up at 8am. We think a window may have been left open and he probably slipped out around 2am. We moved to the area a few nights ago - it was his 4th night in the new house when he snuck out. He doesn't know the area at all. He was very anxious first night in new home but by the 3rd day had made strides to settling in and was starting to seem more comfortable. His little sister is starting to wonder where he has gotten to.

White chest and paws. Big wide eyes. Eyeliner.

Missing Cats in Moss Side
ContactContact Member
Missing since01 Aug 2019
BreedDomestic Short Hair
Dominant colourTabby
Approx age4
Pet Listing ID92150

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