Lost Dog Jack Russell from Buckhurst Hill Essex IG9
This lost Jack Russell Dog was last seen around Buckhurst Hill Essex IG9
Reward Available for Safe Return
I lost my Mitzi on Wednesday morning, around 8.30am in Knighton Wood, Buckhurst hill essex
I spent the last two days combing thru - with the help of many people to see if i could find her, she ran off after being chased by a big dog, she is only 1 yr old
She is a Jack russell with brown spots and a brown head, white belly.
she's spayed and chipped.
She will probably be very cold and hungry as this as we're about to start day 3 of her missing. and it is raining and cold.
She is friendly to humans and when calm often approaches strangers to say hello and make friends.
She was wearing a red tartan jacket and has a red collar, tho these may have come off by now.
The collar has an ID and a number on it
We are starting to expand our search, she doesn't really know the area as we usually take her for our walks in forest etc getting there by car.
Please help me find her, xx
Very friendly to humans,scared of medium /big dogs

Contact | Contact Member |
Missing since | 22 Nov 2019 |
Breed | Jack Russell |
Dominant colour | Ginger and White |
Gender | Female |
Approx age | 1 |
Microchipped | Yes |
Location | IG9 |
Pet Listing ID | 93356 |
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