Lost Dog Bichon Frise from Barnwood Gloucester Gloucestershire GL4

This lost Bichon Frise Dog was last seen around Barnwood Gloucester Gloucestershire GL4

Tilly was spotted on CCTV being snatched by two young lads with baseball caps on. They were in a grey/silver ford mondeo estate with tinted blacked out windows in the back and a small white sticker in the back window. Would really love her to be home and safe not knowing what’s happening to her is scaring me. She was a big party of the family. Always was by my side come to bed with me and wanted cuddles all the time, feel so lost without her. Telling the children she’s gone broke their hearts. My three year old brother- ‘bad guys took Tilly away, I don’t like bad guys I miss Tilly’
We all miss her so much she means so much to us all, would love all the help and support so please keep sharing this post!

Tilly is a small puppy size, white n fluffy with dark stains under her eyes and mouth, had a pink collar on when snatched.

Missing Bichon Frise Dogs in Barnwood Gloucester
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Missing since16 Sep 2020
BreedBichon Frise
Dominant colourWhite
Approx age5
Pet Listing ID96349

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