Lost Cat Domestic Short Hair from Leeds West Yorkshire LS11

This lost Domestic Short Hair Cat was last seen around Leeds West Yorkshire LS11

He is a grey and white neutered male, around 4 years 4 months old. We live in th Beeston area of Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 8QR. I let him and my other cat out at around 2am on the 26th October 2020 when my partner took our dog for a walk. As I was watching them, my female cat tried to leave my street so I went bring her, that was when my cat that has gone missing ran in the opposite direction. We spent 2 hours looking for him when he ran off and have been out day and night every day since he went missing. He has never been out of our street before. I have only been letting him out with a harness and lead on since the beginning of October, before I walked him on a harness since about April time. He some basic hunting skills from using his toys, however he has never chased anything other then cat toys, pet laser lights and my dog as they liked to chase each around the house

He is friendly, however is he gets nervous when in unfamiliar surroundings. He a distinct marking that I can use to identify him with but you have to look very closely to see it

Missing Domestic Short Hair Cats in Leeds
ContactContact Member
Missing since26 Oct 2020
BreedDomestic Short Hair
Dominant colourGrey
Approx age4 years 4
Pet Listing ID96721

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