Lost Cat Mixed Breed from Kent Kent DA8

This lost Mixed Breed Cat was last seen around Kent Kent DA8

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He is mostly white short haired cat with ginger tabby bits. He is injured, but you would not notice it unless he rolls over. He came in last night at about 3 a.m. and was crying, I put wet food in his dish and as I was doing that he rolled on his back, I saw a terrible injury so I tried to pick him up, I feel terrible because I should have closed the window first, he must have been in pain and now he has gone!! His name is Billy, he may look healthy because the wound he has is on his tummy, so worried, please help me find him.

He was very scared of everything, he stayed 3 weeks hiding behind the fridge. Last night he came in with terrible wound on his tummy, to look at him he looks healthy but if he turns over there is a terrible wound, he ran out, he is not micro chipped nor wearing a collar,

Missing Cats in Kent
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Missing since29 Jan 2021
BreedMixed Breed
Dominant colourGinger and White
Approx age1 + 6month
Pet Listing ID97405

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