Lost Cat Moggy from High Farm, Wallsend Tyne and Wear NE28
This lost Moggy Cat was last seen around High Farm, Wallsend Tyne and Wear NE28
Reward Available for Safe Return
Suki lives in a flat above a shop with us and is an indoor cat. He jumped out of our kitchen window and on to the flat roof. He’s done this before and stayed in the back garden but this time he has wondered off. Suki isn’t used to being outside so he might be spooked easily. He loves treats and his food so if anyone sees him you might be able to entice him with food.
Suki is gentle in nature and very cuddly. He has a heart shaped black patch on his side and is wearing a yellow polka dot collar with a bell on.
Suki is mostly white with distinctive black markings. He has black marks on his head and patches on his body and an all black tail. He is really friendly and has a loud cry but he’s very flighty with strangers so he may run away. He has a yellow collar on with white dots.

Contact | Contact Member |
Missing since | 02 Aug 2021 |
Breed | Moggy |
Dominant colour | Black and White |
Gender | Male |
Approx age | 7 |
Microchipped | No |
Location | NE28 |
Pet Listing ID | 99268 |
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